Photos, Travel Holly’s Office from the Air, January 1998 January 29, 1998 Phil Wherry Leave a comment I traveled to New York City for a meeting. Right after takeoff, we had a good view of the U.S. Department of Commerce building, where Holly works.
Photos Tamara Stoneburner’s Birthday, January 1998 January 25, 1998 Phil Wherry Leave a comment Walt and Tamara Stoneburner came to visit to celebrate Tamara’s birthday.
Photos Behind the Scenes at the Baltimore Aquarium January 24, 1998 Phil Wherry Leave a comment Some digital photos from a “behind-the-scenes” tour of the Baltimore Aquarium. Taken January 1998. Click the image below for the full set of photos.
Photos Shaula & Darrin, January 1998 January 5, 1998 Phil Wherry Leave a comment Our friends Shaula and Darrin came to visit us early in 1998. Click on the image to see a few more photos.